I really don’t do the research when it comes to comparing rates to see which are good or bad so I can’t speak on that; however, I will say that the customer service here is so helpful & they’re so kind. I had to close my acct due to me moving somewhere else, but whoever was assigned to my acct she needs a raise! She has been just fabulous!! When I end up moving again you can bet that I will be opening up another acct with you guys!! Thank you!
Response: Thank you for leaving Payless Power a review, Jennifer! We are thrilled to hear about you experience with our excellent customer service, and are excited to provide you services whenever you may need them again. Published on February 19, 2025
Excellent service
Response: We appreciate you for taking the time to review Payless Power! Published on February 19, 2025
Everything is going well with the electric.
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate and review our services! Payless Power is proud to be your electricity service provider of choice. Published on February 19, 2025
Greetings, It seems to me that the base of usage is determined by the weather. I was out of town my thermostat was set on 71 the entire time. Why is that? I drove to Arizona left on Friday returned Monday morning. I would like my smart meter checked to make sure its working properly? I’m going to start keeping up with the meter numbers as well to compare. This is extremely too high I’m on a fixed income. I know that’s not your business and you don’t care. God Bless.
Response: Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us about this matter, Tamara. Payless Power understands you have concerns with regards to your recent billing and usage, and know that this is vital to understand. Payless Power bills its customers based on the amount of electricity their home consumed. If you keep a heater on at the same temperature while you are away from home, that will consume quite a bit of electricity. This is especially true for periods of winter weather, as a heater at 71 degrees will have to work almost non-stop to heat a house while its down to single digits, as opposed to it being 50 degrees. You can always review your usage and consumption via the smartmetertexas.com website, which will break your home usage down into 15-minute intervals. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 19, 2025
I’m giving this rating because they turned off power for 2 dollars when it’s freezing. Now I have to pay for someone else bill definitely won’t let them stay in a freezing apartment. What a shame
Response: Thank you for your feedback on this matter, Monicqua. We understand that you have concerns about a disconnection of your services, and know that can be a stressful situation to deal with. If services were disconnected for having a balance below $0, then a payment must be made to the account to bring you balance to at least positive $20. With this amount, your services can be restored and you will have additional funds for future energy usage. If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 19, 2025
Hassle free and I’m updated daily on my usage.
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate and review Payless Power! We're eager to provide your home with electricity services you can rely on. Published on February 19, 2025
Your payment system is awful . I recently moved and updated my address on my cards and now I can’t pay using your system . It keeps giving me an error message ! I don’t like it and I am considering not using your service because of this issue .
Response: Thank you for leaving your feedback about this issue, Tamika. Payless Power understands that making payments through the online portal is vital to your services, and know that not being able to do so can be a frustrating experience. If you are having troubles making payments on the My Account Portal, please make sure the information put in matches the card information, including card number and the address that is associated with the card. If you have any other concerns or need any assistance, please reach out to us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 19, 2025
Love the adorable prices
Response: Thank you for the high rating! Published on February 19, 2025
Response: Thank you for contacting Payless Power about this issue, Dawn. We understand that experiencing a disconnection can be a stressful experience for our customers. Please keep in mind that your services will be at risk of disconnection should your balance be at $0 or below. It is up to customers to make sure they keep their balances positive to avoid a disconnection. If your services are disconnected, a payment will need to be made to bring your balance positive $20 for your services to restore. This can be done via the My Account Portal at paylesspower.com or by calling us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 19, 2025
Pretty straightforward love it man awesome sir yes sir
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate Payless Power! Published on February 18, 2025