It’s difficult to even make my necessities of life after I recently suffered a stroke and heart attack at the same time. Before my stroke I had congestive heart failure and had to have a pacemaker put in. I can’t work anymore, I have lost most of my income because I had an elderly gentleman who i had taken in my rented house that is dilapidated and eaten up by rats in the attic and outside, my pipes burst for the 3 rd time and on the last burst I had to pay for them myself. I am behind on my car note, car insurance, rent, credit cards, i had to pay my mechanic over 700 dollars because I had a faulty electrical system and had a new battery put in i bought from Walmart in from Walmart in the past 4 months and had to buy another one because they said it wasn’t the battery even though it was. I owe the va over 15,000 dollars because I have tri-west with co- pays i owe hospitals, I owe for the alternator i unfortunately had to replace and I could go on and on and on about everything else I am behind on.
Response: Thank you for reaching out to us about these unfortunate circumstances, Wandie. We know it is stressful to be in such a situation. We will have a supervisor reach out to you to discuss options. Published on March 24, 2025
Awesome thank you got everything done that I needed to get dine
Response: Thank you for taking the time to leave us a rating. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 26, 2025
my plan is too expensive
Response: Thank you for taking the time to leave us feedback on this matter, Ngoc. We understand you are experiencing your concerns with your current electricity plan, and can understand if you may be worried about this. You can always review your current plan's rate on it's Electricity Fact's Label via the My Account Portal at If any further assistance is needed, feel free to contact us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 20, 2025
I’m giving this rating because they turned off power for 2 dollars when it’s freezing. Now I have to pay for someone else bill definitely won’t let them stay in a freezing apartment. What a shame
Response: Thank you for your feedback on this matter, Monicqua. We understand that you have concerns about a disconnection of your services, and know that can be a stressful situation to deal with. If services were disconnected for having a balance below $0, then a payment must be made to the account to bring you balance to at least positive $20. With this amount, your services can be restored and you will have additional funds for future energy usage. If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 19, 2025
Not as good as I thought. Disappointed
Response: We appreciate you for taking the time to leave your feedback, Krystal. If you have any questions or concerns about your services, you can reach out to us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 10, 2025
Y’all are alright
Response: We appreciate your feedback, Ca-Shayla. If you have any questions or concerns with your services, you can reach out to us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 10, 2025
I like the convenience of prepaid but I know that the kWh fluctuate toooooo much especially when I only have certain things plugged up, and I deliberately do not use certain appliances or lights. It’s unreasonable for me to fluctuate from 11 kWh to 80 something kWh. That’s way too wide of a range.
Response: Hello RaeAnne, thank you for contacting us about this issue. We understand that you have concerns with your recent billing and usage, especially regarding the price per kWh potentially fluctuating. The importance of understanding your billing cannot be overstated, and we want to make sure customers have clarity on their charges. You are currently enrolled in one of our 6-month prepaids. These plans have a fixed rate, therefore the rate that Payless Power charges per kWh is fixed, and does not change during the plan time period. Fluctuations in the actual kWh used may be attributed to a variety of factors, including the effects of the winter weather on appliances. You can always review your electricity consumption via the website, which does break down your usage into 15-minute intervals. If you have any further inquiries, please contact us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 06, 2025
Esta saliendo caro el kilowatts.. desde este año ha sabido el doble .. necesito que verifiquen gracias
Response: Estamos realmente agradecidos por probar nuestro servicio. Nos gustaría tener la oportunidad de mejorar la forma en que le servimos a usted y a nuestros demás clientes. ¿Podría comunicarse con nosotros por teléfono o correo electrónico para que podamos obtener más información sobre cómo mejorar? Published on February 01, 2025
🙂 fast and easy processing
Response: Thank you for the feedback it's greatly appreicated! Published on February 01, 2025
I really don’t understand no matter the amount of kwh I use, I’m still paying on average $14 a day, & no one is home for 15hrs out of 24hrs.. So I’m paying well over $300 a month in a 2br apt.. I really would like to go back to the original meters due to this smart meter being full of bs.
Response: Thank you for your feedback about this matter, Derrick. We understand that you have concerns over your current usage and billing, and know that it's important to have a full understanding of your billing. Payless Power charges customers based on the amount of electricity they consume, which is read from your meter by your local Transmission and Distribution Provider. Customers can always use the website for an in-depth view of their consumption, with each day of usage being broken down to 15-minute installments. If you have any further inquiries or concerns, please reach out to us at 1-888-963-9363 Published on February 05, 2025