I love Payless power!
Response: Thank you so much for the feedback it's greatly appreciated! Published on August 29, 2022
I was very happy with my service when I first started it but now I’ve been a customer for almost 2 years and it seems like lately my usage is just higher and higher yes it’s Texas yes it’s hot but it seems like it’s I use way more power than I used last summer and I don’t like this $75 payment or you going to charge me money to make a payment the whole point in choosing this service was because I could pay what I wanted to pay every month so now it’s like having a $75 Bill and I’m paying at least 150 a month this is ridiculous.
Response: Ms Smith- Your review states that when you started with the service you were satisfied with the prices but now it seems like your usage is getting higher and higher and it doesn’t make sense even with the Texas heat we’ve had this summer. You are also unhappy about having to making a $75 payment to avoid paying a fee. This is a big deal that almost every Texan has been facing regardless of their electric provider. Inflated natural gas prices have driven up electricity process for all companies. However, there are some things you can do to lessen this impact. The main thing would be to contact us about upgrading to a fixed rate plan . While variable rate plans offer much flexibility , a fixed rate product would guarantee that your energy rate does not increase for either 6 or 12 months. Also, by enrolling in our autopay options you can make smaller payments without the minimum payment fee being included. Call us at 888 963 9363 for more details. Published on August 29, 2022
lately they’ve been way off with the charges and it’s taking longer to recieve reconciliation for them overcharging. please fix this problem
Response: Ms Jennings – You review states that you feel that your billing has been inaccurate lately and that you are not receiving billing reconciliations in a timely fashion. It not good when you are expecting credits that are delayed or do not come at all. Any customer would be upset. I will ask a supervisor to reach out to you for more information. At Payless Power we do not use estimated meter reads unless there is a delay in receiving the actual read from Centerpoint. A review of your recent usage shows that your daily meter readings have been actual reads and not estimations. Because of this , the only possibility of a reconciliation credit would be when we get the monthly meter read from Centerpoint and compare that against the daily reads that you’ve already been billed for. The monthly read is always considered to be the measurement of record. When the supervisor speaks to you they can also show you how to enroll on www.smartmetertexas.com so you can audit your usage as reported by Payless Power (or any electric provider you use in the future) . 888 963 9363 Published on August 25, 2022
Trash trash trash
Response: Tracey- We have accessed your account to try to learn more about your concerns. We were unable to pinpoint anything specific. Please call us at 888 963 9363 so we can get some details regarding your experience . Published on August 18, 2022
Easy to use and it’s nice to know how much energy you use each day.
Response: We are so pleased that you enjoy the daily messages via text, email or both-text & email. We truly feel this is the most powerful tool in maintaining control of the energy usage in one’s home. Thank you for your business. Published on August 16, 2022
Thanks! For your services. I appreciate the low price .
Response: Thank you for your 5 star review! We are proud to know that Payless Power meets your expectations and that you are satisfied with our service. Published on August 16, 2022
Looking to set up a auto pay… where do I go???
Response: Hello, We will be more than happy to assist you on adding autopay. A supervisor will contact you shortly to further assist you! Published on August 16, 2022
Muy buen servicio
Love how quick and easy it is to pay and add funds to account this is the first time I ever done the online and it was way faster and easier than calling in although representatives make is quick and easy as well over I am very happy with the services of Payless power
Response: Thank you for your 5 star review! We are proud to know that Payless Power meets your expectations and that you are satisfied with our service. Published on August 16, 2022
Great service as well as easy and quick payment process
Response: Thank you Joseph for being a great customer! Published on August 16, 2022