Easy payment process
Response: Thank you Chris for the 5 star review! Published on May 17, 2024
Great Service! Awesome timing
Response: Thank you for being a great customer! Published on May 17, 2024
Fast and easy to process
Response: Glad we can make your service experience easy as possible! Published on May 17, 2024
Fast and easy service.
Response: Thank you so much for the 5 star review! Published on May 16, 2024
Easy service. Follow-up your daily usage is easy as well as price levels. Existing paid amount easy to follow when you noticed me on a daily basis how much monay I do have left on the account.
Response: Glad we can make your service experience easy as possible! Published on May 16, 2024
East to work with and keep the lights on
Response: Thank you Matthew for sharing your service experience. Published on May 16, 2024
They seem to spike usage everytime I leave my house. I religiously turn off all my lights when I leave home yet according to my bill that’s when I use the most??? Make it make sense??
Response: Ms Zambrano- Your comments state that you are frustrated because your usage seems to increase when you are not home and that does not make sense to you. This is very understandable but Payless Power does have some tools to help you. Please note that we cannot tell you what exactly uses power at your home each day. However, you can go to your Payless Power customer portal and select the “hourly” view of the usage graph on the bottom of the page . This can show you what time of the day power is being consumed and help your pinpoint what is consuming power by process of elimination. For example, on May 14, it shows that you had moderate usage from midnight until around 11;30 AM. Then it drops to almost no power consumption at all until about 8:30 PM . Ultimately what this indicates is that you do indeed turn everything off when you leave but something runs overnight . You can also confirm your daily usage in 15 minute increments at www.smartmetertexas.com . 888 963 9363 Published on May 16, 2024
I want to make A payment on my account, and out of nowhere I get a message saying that they are having issues with their credit system or something which is very frustrating because they’re telling me I have to pay again but the money has already been taken out of my account which is frustrating. They said that the payment has been voided I’m pissed. Like refund me my money and then I will pay again once my money is refunded it’s not my fault y’all system is messed up. It already enough that it’s expensive as hell. But now when I go to put money towards my account when I only have a few days left magically messes up. I’m about to start looking for new electricity companies🙄
Response: Ms Baumann- - First let me apologize for any inconvenience. You are correct that Payless Power experience issues with our credit pard payment system on 5/9/24. The resulted in payments approved by the customer’s card company that could not be applied to the customer’s Payless Power account. Due to this we voided all affected payments which in effect, cancelled the payments with the card issuer. We also stopped disconnections until 5/13/24 due to this. If you are still experiencing delays with seeing your pending charge being released, please contact your bank or card company . Each bank has their own time schedule for the release of pending charges. If your bank needs any approval or documentation from Payless Power, let us know and we will be happy to provide it . 888-963-9363 Published on May 16, 2024
What was suppose to only be one $20.68 payment, I eventually made 2 payments of $20.68 to avoid disconnection and it’s not posting to my account and im on the verge of disconnection by NOON and again I made 2 PAYMENTS and they TOOK IT!
Response: Mr. Ford- We apologize for the invoice . There were issues affecting customer payments on 5/9/24 . We voided all payments that were approved but which did not post to customer accounts and also halted disconnections for the remainder of the week in an effort to eliminate any inconvenience to customers . Published on May 16, 2024
I’ve had nothing but problems and over billed with this company. They have put a switch hold on our account for months now stating someone tampered with the meter which is untrue and charged out account $600 plus , further now we are a cash only account meaning we can’t pay by phone or online , we are being charged $90 every two days even though we use almost no electricity but the gouging never stops. We are a poor family and electricity is shut off at least once a week and on top we are charged a $20 reconnect fee and can’t switch companies bc of their switch hold. My family suffers daily due to Payless and Young Energy. We can’t afford an attorney or I would have one but all money goes to them. Sitting here with no lights watching my children sweat is heartbreaking and infuriates me. I’ve begged and begged to no avail. Just FU and pay these insane amounts to get your electricity back. We are broke now and can’t afford this so again my family suffers.
Response: Mr. Shoop- Your comments state that you are extremely upset at being charged for tampering fees that you feel you are not responsible for. You are also unhappy because a cash only flag has been placed on your account, making it inconvenient for you to post payments. These concerns are understandable, and anyone would feel the impact of such charges and restrictions. Please note that Payless Power does not determine whether or not a meter was tampered with. In your case that would be , Oncor, who owns and maintains the meter. Once Oncor detects tampering they will have a technician investigate . If their evidence confirms a likelihood of tampering, Oncor will calculate the fees and bill these fees to Payless Power who in turn collects the charges from the consumer. Oncor will also place a switch-hold on the account until Payless Power reports that the fees have been paid in full. A customer charged with tampering does have the right to dispute and Oncor will review the claim. If their evidence contradicts the customers version of events, then the charges will stand. The customer can also file a complaint with the Public Utilities Commission if they are not satisfied with the results of the investigation . The PUCT will then review the customer’s statement and the evidence to make their determination. A review of your account shows that any fees related to tampering have been paid off. Payless Power will place a cash only flag to block credit card payments if a customer’s account is associated with credit card fraud, identity theft. If you feel that you have been unjustly tagged as cash only, you can call us and we can review whatever documentation you have. In the meantime you can use your credit card to make payments to Payless Power through www.moneygram.com. You can do this by using receive code 14715. Please see the Moneygram website for the fees involved. Published on May 16, 2024