They have my worst customer service ever my lights were disconnected after I was told I had 10 days to pay them smh they also close at 5pm and their voice automated system is broken it won’t even let you make a payment
Response: Hello- Your comments state that you were disconnected with out proper notice and you were not able to make a payment to reconnect using the automated service. Our records show that disconnection notice was issued to you on 7/27/24 which advised that your account would need to be paid in full by 8/6/24 in order to avoid disconnection . No Payment was made however Payless Power could not disconnection due to a heat advisory in your area. The date of your disconnection on 9/4/24 was the first available date that you were eligible for disconnection due to the 7/27/24 letter. You did receive another invoice and subsequent disconnection notice as well and that letter advised that you would be disconnected if you do not pay that invoice by 9/13 however this did not override your initial notice. I do see that you made numerous attempts to make payments via credit card after your were reconnected however most of these were declined. Please note that the billing address on your card must match that on your Payless Power account if you are trying to use the automated phone system. You can add the card’s specific billing address if you use the My Account portal to add a card. Published on November 07, 2024
The company has a switch hold on a rental property and is refusing to remove it because I, the owner of the property, am not the account holder.
Response: Mr. Gonzalez- If you are the owner of the property and provide documentation (including a signed affidavit ) showing this the switch-hold can be removed. However, if there is other associations linking you to the tenant then you may be responsible for paying off the remaining any unpaid deferred payment plan balance or tampering charges in order to lift the hold. Feel free to contact us at 888 963 9363 to discuss these options. Published on November 07, 2024
I recommend this light because it’s amazing and great and awesome
Response: Thank you, Mia- We are honored to serve your household. Published on August 26, 2024
I want to know how I can pay my Payless power online and how can I login to my account
Response: Mr Falsario , There is a link to your Payless Power My Account Portal on your daily messages . You can also pay 24/7 through our automated system by calling 888 963 9363 and following the prompts. Thank you for the opportunity to server your home. Published on August 26, 2024
I would give 0 stars of I could. They lie to you it’s not 40$ to connect lights. Even though website says so. They don’t hold true to what they advertise. Not only does their website claim it other websites that advertise for them claim so as well. When I called to confirm the representative confirmed the 40$ start up fee. I just needed a quick set up to my new place until I got paid because my apartment was done sooner than I expected. No lights by the next morning so I called back and they said that I have to pay 35$ more or my service would not be connected. Offered to refund and cancel but I would have to wait 7/10 days for refund. I have a 1 and 3 year old in AUGUST IN TEXAS. All because they’re greedy and refused to just tell me it’s 75$ start up. I could’ve took my money to a company who could’ve met my needs. Now I have to figure out how to make things work for a week. Instead of them taking responsibility for their mess up. They decided that it’s my fault and I have to come up with the money or it’s the heat until I do.
Response: Mr Page, You have stated that you were advised that the cost to start service was $40 when it in fact was $75. Our records show that a supervisor was able to review your situation and adjust your account so that you able to get your service started the following day. Thank you for your patience . We do realize the hardship that this issue caused and have taken steps to prevent any future occurrences. Published on August 26, 2024
If the website access is down or not working; the customer service phone line has no attendees on a Saturday, how are customers to pay a bill? Not a happy camper this morning!! Rev Jones
Response: Reverend Jones- We apologize for any inconvenience. Please note that our hours of operation are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday- Friday. Customer Care has traditionally been open on Saturday during those same hours however , starting on 9/7/24 we will close our phone support center on Saturdays and Sunday. Email support from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday and from 11:00 Am to 8:00 PM on Sunday will still be available. Published on August 26, 2024
Definitely not happy.** Just received an email stating that I have only 2 days left on my account, when I was told by the representative that I had in Total 30-35 days on my account with a new account/address. Which would roll over into the next month. So how is it that I’m losing a week or a little more, we’ve only had 2-2½ weeks of electrical use.
Response: Ms Alvarado, To summarize, you are unhappy because you were initially advised that your first payment would last you 30-35 days but you quickly received a message stating that you had 2 days left. Your concern is definitely understandable, and we will review the calls of the folks you spoke with to ensure that customers are not being assured of any particular timeframe. Please note that pre-paid service is similar to filling your car up with gas. The distance you drive, the speed and other factors determine how quickly you empty the tank. It’s the same with pre-paid power. Please visit your Payless Power my account portal for a daily summary of your charges or give us a call at 888 963 9363 and we can review it with you in detail. 888 963 9363 Published on August 26, 2024
If i could leave negative stars it would be way more accurate. Forget the fact that they charge you for the unused electricity that they purchased on top of what you use, they are also crooks and will blatently steal ypur money. While i was out of town working my service was disconected but since i wasnt there i let it go for a little while. After a couple of weeks I saw the ballance was a little over -$50 and even though i would still be out of town for several days decided to put money on the account so that it would be on when i got home. I payed $80 and the payment was taken and i received a text and email saying i now had a $24.51 positive ballance on the account. Over the next 5 days money was taken from the account daily as it always was. How ever when i get home i dicover that service was never reconected at all because without my concent or knowledge they clised the account the day before i made the payment. Even though they accepted the payment and told me i had a positive ballance and i still got daily text messages and emails where they deducted money everyday as if the servuce had been reconected, all this was done on an account they now claim was already closed. For the kicker after charging a daily fee for 5 days 9n a supisedly closed account, they then charged an early termination fee which not only took the rest of the positive ballance it caused a more than -$80. This is by any standard theft and fraud. I wouldnt recomend anyone ever use Payless Power because they will do everything they can to screw ypu over and rob you blind.
Response: Mr. Hansen- To summarize your issue, you are stating that you were erroneously charged, and your account was cancelled without your consent. I do see that you previously spoke to a supervisor about this issue but will do my best to explain what happened as I know you must be very upset. Your service was disconnected for non-payment and the account sat disconnected for 14 days at which time , our system submitted an automatic move-out order. That is our standard operating procedure. Due to July 4th holiday and the following weekend, Oncor did not complete the move out until the following week. You did make a payment 3 days after the move out order was submitted and while you were not charged for energy and Oncor delivery fees while your power was disconnected /pending termination, you were billed the daily customer charge , taxes, and the $1.00 daily installment from the previous time you were reconnected. At no time were you charged for power you did not consume. Once your account was finalized the remaining amount of the unpaid fee was waived. You were accessed an early termination fee per the terms of your agreement. While it is surely frustrating to have a payment consumed for charges after the move-out order was issued, please note that we cannot leave accounts open perpetually. While your intention was to reconnect service , nearly all accounts disconnected for that amount of time are due to the resident abandoning their address and the account. In cases such as yours, we can create a new account to re-start service at the address however it would require a payment to start the new account. However, we would be able to waive the early termination fee on the original account. Published on August 26, 2024
Y’all always cut off my light and is to hot
Response: Ms Garcia- Thank you for your comments. Your remarks show that you are concerned about being disconnected when its hot. That is very understandable. First let me say that your account is in good standing and you are currently in no danger of disconnection. Please note though that the Public Utilities Commission and Oncor determines when a heat advisory is in effect for your area. There has been one in DFW for the last couple of weeks but that is ending as of tomorrow. You have done the right thing by bring your account positive prior to the end of the advisory. Published on August 26, 2024
Thank you I’m so happy no more prepaid
Response: Thank you for the feedback it's greatly appreciated! Published on August 08, 2024