Response: Mr Ramirez- I’ve taken a look at your account and while your usage is a little above average, a significant amount of your daily charges can be avoided. The first thing to know is that a fee of $6.93 is accrued each time you make a payment less than $75.00. We do not deduct this all at once , its deducted at a rate of $.99 per day for 7 days. We are changing this to $4.95 split up over 5 days but you have a lot of fees at the original rate lined up . We do something similar with reconnection fees. The fee is $30 but we have spread it out at $1.00 per day for 30 days however this will be changing to $3.00 per day for 10 days. Please note that you can avoid the payment process fee by either making payments of $75.00 or more or by enrolling in autopay. With autopay you can post payments as little as $40 with no fee. Finally, please be aware that if you have a deferred payment plan, we also deducted daily installments for that as well. If all of that is added up it will typically account for a third or more of your daily charges but you have the ability to avoid these extra charges in the future. Please contact us at 888 963 9363 if you have questions. Published on November 08, 2024
I literally just signed up an hour ago and now I’m worried from reading the reviews. They’re suppose to connect my lights today but I have no way of knowing if they’re on or not because my power from the previous company is not scheduled to turn off power until tomorrow. I sure hope I have power in the morning when my original power company shut me off. I decided to try prepaid because my contract was up and I didn’t really want to sign another one. Fingers🤞🏽 that they turned my power on like they were suppose to.
Response: Ms Lattimore- Thank you for your comments. Your service was connected as expected on the day of your request. You account is active and in good standing. We thank you for your business . Feel free to contact us at 888 963 9363 with any questions. We also have email support afterhours and on the weekends through your customer portal or via . Published on November 08, 2024
There is nothing pay less about this company I can’t believe I signed a 6 month contract with y’all I barely have any lights on and I’m getting charged a lot or always in a negative i don’t recommend this company what so ever!
Response: Hello- Your comments show that you are concerned about the amount of your charges and the usage being reported at your home. While I am not sure of the square footage of your home, Your usage is higher than normal for this time of the year. Please note that if your home has an older AC/heating system or is poorly insulated or has a patio door facing the west with no shade, you will like experience higher usage to due efforts to cool the home etc. I would highly suggest speaking to your property manager so that maintenance can check the refrigerant gas levels in your AC system . Another issue may be an older hot water heater. Feel free to contact us at 888 963 9363 for more information. In the meantime, you can register free of charge at to audit your usage and billing. Published on November 08, 2024
This is the 3rd day waiting after I pay them to connect my power, and I’m still waiting. No power, I called 3 times and said it not their fault. They’re blaming Reliant energy. First they told me that my meter was a “smart meter” that it wouldn’t need a technician to physically go to my address to connect the power back on. Then they said that they will call reliant energy to send a technician. Still waiting, No power but they already charged me for it. I guess the meter wasn’t as smart. Nevermind, the one who wasn’t smart I guess it was me for trusting this company which is only the middle man, I should have gone directly to Reliant and avoid all this mess.
Response: Mr. Sohom- Your comments state that there was delay in your service for 3 days and that you should have just gone with Reliant instead of a middleman like Payless Power. Your reaction is completely understandable because 3 days is an unacceptable delay. Our records show that you enrolled online and an order to connect service at the address provided was submitted within the standard connection time frame. You did speak to multiple customer care representatives who attempted to trouble shoot the issue for you. CenterPoint Energy dispatched a technician but you later called in and confirmed that the address originally provided was incorrect. Also, please note that CenterPoint Energy is the local utility who owns the meters and who performs connection orders and repairs. In the deregulated Texas Energy Market, CenterPoint Energy is what is known as a Transmission and Distribution Utility. You cannot sign up for electric service with CenterPoint. You must select a retail electric provider such as Payless Power or Reliant. Reliant’s roll and capabilities are no different than Payless Power’s when it comes to connecting your service . All retail electric providers are “middlemen” but have identical access to CenterPoint who executes their requests . I hope this clears up any misunderstanding. Published on November 08, 2024
Awful customer service! I had talk to Andre on the phone +1 (8779400386) he had awful service he talk way to fast and was rude. He didn’t explain Anything properly he lied about what contract I was getting. I had to call back and that where I was talking to Andy. She told me that Andre was a “new worker” bs she explained everything to us. She said she will help us get a refund because Andre lied about what contact After that she hung up! We called again then we got Joey on the phone. He kept bugging us about we can get this and that. We told him we want a refund; he said he will help and now he hung up on us too! So unbelievable!
Response: Hello- Your comments states that you spoke to representatives who did not inform you correctly and conducted themselves unprofessionally. Our records indicate that you enrolled in service through the website and not through Payless Power directly. is a company that represents multiple providers. Payless Power does not employ any representatives with the names you have provided and the toll free number listed is not affiliated with Payless Power. Later, you did speak our customer care team and was advised that if you wished to “cancel service” that the best solution was for you to select a new provider and once you signed up with this new company services would be switched the Payless Power account would be closed automatically. This would have prevented you from having an interruption in your service. If you have any further questions, please contact us at 888 963 9363 Published on November 08, 2024
StRted my service this afternoon and here it is 11pm and I still don’t have lights
Response: Mr. Morris- We do apologize for the delays in starting your service. CenterPoint Energy (your local power utility) rejected your order due to a permit requirement which you were able to arrange the following day. If you have any further issues, please contact us at 888 963 9363. Published on November 08, 2024
Horrible company to have long wait times to answer phone , request on your account took literally months to be addressed still til this present day my account is wrong but they quick to interrupt service for something so easy to have is the most unorganized and difficult to have choose another company
Response: Hello- Your comments say that you have not been able to use the automated system fully for some time and no one has helped you. A supervisor is contacting you to address the situation. 888 963 9363 Published on November 07, 2024
Power is off and I am unable to make online payments MoneyGram is down has been all day and there is no way to reach Payless power after 5PM. It is 100 degrees outside and 110 inside. In addition not having power even though I have been trying to reach them for hours and hours, I’m not able to make online payments through the website because I was a victim of identity theft and someone disputed all of the charges on my credit card including a payment to Payless so they flagged me as using a fraudulent card and when I explained the situation they said show us a police report. Now I am forced to pay $5.99 Everytime i make a payment on top of the outrageous price they charge for electricity and several dollars in fees everyday. About 40% of what I pay for power doesnt even go towards paying for power. Do not use this provider even if your only other option is a hamster on an exercise wheel running a generator. You will be better off.
Response: Mr Avertette- At the time of your complaint , Moneygram was experiencing a nationwide service outage due to a cybersecurity issue. Our records do show that you spoke to a supervisor on 9/24 who directed you towards cash payment locations on the Fidelity Express network. If you can provide documentation that shows the reason for the chargeback that was processed against Payless Power we will be happy to review the cash only flag that is currently on your account . 888 963 9363 Published on November 07, 2024
I would not recommend this company to anybody i am paying pretty much $50 dollars every other day because if you dont pay $75 dollars they charge you $6 dollars right away only leaving a balance of $40 and i have a big ass house so that dont last but 2 days and you only get one extension and thats it and its to hot here in cc tx not to have any electriity at least the other company i used to have worked with me cause they knew i always would pay what i owed. So yeah they suck!
Response: Hi Alvino- Your comments say you were paying $50 every other day throughout September, and you are frustrated because Payless Power wasn’t working with you. Please note that with pre-paid service that options are more limited because we do not maintain a deposit to protect against non-payment. We do work with our customer though and offer several options, but these are not unlimited. Your billing records do how you were paying about $15 per day for your large house. That is expensive but that’s because you were consuming a lot of power during the summer. Call us at 888 963 9363 for more information to settle your account. Published on November 07, 2024
I signed up for a fixed 3 month rate of .14 per kilowatt. Used 1367 kilowatts and was charged $219.19. That comes to .16 per kilowatt. My bill should have been $191.38. Be aware of their shady business practices. I called and was told that the delivery charge had gone up. That’s not a customers problem when you put it out there that it’s a fixed rate. Not cool
Response: Hi Keith- Please note that your energy rate is fixed however delivery charges from your local utility , Texas New Mexico Power can fluctuate. This is covered in the terms and is uniform across all energy retailers service the Texas de-regulated market. Unfortunately, you would not be able to find a provider who will cover this cost for you. Typically, TNMP updates its delivery charges twice per year on 9/1 and again on 3/1. The 9/1/ update is typically and increase and the 3/1 update a decrease however neither is guaranteed. Feel free to call us at 888 963 9363 for more info. Published on November 07, 2024