Easy to make a payment & keeps you updated on your balance
Response: We are so pleased that you enjoy the daily messages via text, email or both-text & email. We truly feel this is the most powerful tool in maintaining control of the energy usage in one’s home. Thank you for your business. Published on February 24, 2021
Easy and great service!
Response: Thank you Jacob for being a great customer! Published on February 24, 2021
Yes I am customer and very happy to be . They are nice and understanding on the phone and automatically too os very helpful. I am very happy and please to be with payless power.
Response: Thank you for your 5 star review! We are proud to know that Payless Power meets your expectations and that you are satisfied with our service. Published on February 24, 2021
Just joined but very pleased so far. Thank you.
Response: We look forward to having you as a new customer! Published on February 24, 2021
Muy fácil y sencillos y súper rápido muy
Completely horrible with no answer during a 6 day black out & was still charging when power was out they should be ashamed on how they treated ther custmers & family’s without eletric for 6 to 7 days & wanted to blame Oncore for the Chargers. & they are just as horrible as your services was ..
Response: Adrian- Your review comments say that you had a horrible experience because your power was out for 6 days and you were still being charged . You also state that in your opinion, Payless Power is trying to blame Oncor for its problems and no one answered your calls for 6 days. There is no doubt that being without power for 6 days during the worst winter storm in Texas in over a hundred years is a terrible thing. There was plenty of suffering to go around statewide so your anger is reasonable. You are also correct in that ultimately you are our customer so we accept our role as the focus of that anger. The best thing we can do is try to educate you on what happened, what’s going on now and what is being done currently to correct any billing issues you’ve experienced. The first thing to address is your power last week. Payless Power did not send out disconnection orders on any accounts last week and that is continuing this week as well. If you were able to see the news at all you probably heard that ERCOT implemented statewide rolling outages . On top of this , instability with the State electrical grid prevented Oncor from restoring some customers under the planned outages. This resulted in some homes being without power for days. This affected some of our own employees so we know acutely how awful that was. These outages also triggered the automated estimation processes at Oncor . Oncor owns and operates the meters in your area. All electric providers rely on Oncor data. If Oncor detects that its meters are not generating data their system automatically operates under the assumption that the meter is working but not able to report usage data. Our system then assumes those estimations are actual reads and generates charges. This can be infuriating to see your balance dwindle even though there is no power at your home . Anyone would feel like they were being cheated. We don’t have a better way to handle those types of situations but we do have automated processes to correct the billing as soon as we get the actual meter day from Oncor. That can take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple weeks depending on where you are in your monthly billing cycle. If this is too impactful for you we also options to help you get to the point where your billing is corrected. In short… no Payless Power customer affected by the storm has to move forward with no options. We can help. As far as no one answering … we need to get more information from you. Our team worked hard under very difficult circumstances to be there for our customers. We were operational last week for all of our standard business hours including limited after hours email support. In the afternoons there was little to no wait to speak to an agent. I’m not sure what was going on when you tried to call but I can also advise that in certain parts of the metroplex, cell phone service and even landline phone service was affected. Please call us at 888 963 9363 and we can discuss what happened and what we can do to help you. Published on February 23, 2021
Electricity was very high this past week. I was not even home. Unplugged everything, and set my thermostat to 65. So tell me how my bill went up this much????? Y’all are a joke!
Response: Wendy – Your comments state that your charges were high last week but you weren’t home and your thermostat was set to 65. You want to know why. Almost every Texas resident with an electric account saw an increase in their usage last week and it’s understandable why anyone who received increased charges for last week would be angry…. regardless of who their provider is. The first thing that I can tell you is that any increases you have seen were not due to an increase in your rate. Payless Power has not increased energy rates this year as is not planning to do so at this time. We also do not offer Indexed Variable rates that increase daily with the price of wholes electricity. I can also tell you that if you left your thermostat set to 65 last week while you were gone it certainly still ran non-stop. When high temperatures are in the teens and lows are down to -2 a central air system will not be able to effectively heat the home above 65. This happened at my own residence even with a fireplace. So what if power was out? If your power was out you may have a billing adjustment coming in the future. Oncor’s system will generate estimations for your usage if they do not receive usage data from your meter. Our billing system takes the estimated read and generates your charges automatically. The good news is that there is an automated process to true -up estimations as soon as we get the actual meter read. Call us at 888 963 9363 and we can advise when that should occur and advise of the options we have to assist you until that point. Call us and we can go over everything with you. Published on February 23, 2021
You need to update your ratings they are all dated the year 2017. Is no updated reviews available. The cost here is ridiculous. And I’m talking about before the Winter storm. Yes it was easy switching companies. Your rates have done another but went higher every single day. And now since the Winter Storm who can afford 100.00 for less the 3 days service. That would take my whole bring home pay. I cant pay rent due to having to pay 3,000 A month for electricity. I have to pay for the fact I have A Terminally I’ll daughter. Living with me. So either pay for electric that she needs. Or get evicted because the electric took all my money. And be kick out on the street with A Terminally I’ll daughter.
Response: Lonnie- Your comments state our costs are ridiculous even prior to the storm but now the cost for 3 days takes you entire take home pay. You also have a terminally ill daughter that you care for and the cost of your service makes you feel like you have to choose between your lights and getting evicted. First let me say that I can’t begin to imagine the stress of caring for a terminally ill child while trying to manage high utility bills. The pressure must be incredible. You are truly a special person for doing what you do. Last week hit everyone hard. So probably the best thing for us to do is call you on 2/23 to discuss your options. We can discuss a critical care designation for your daughter that may help. We would also like to learn more about your residence. You are correct in that your usage has been high all month even prior to the storm. At that point it skyrocketed so we need to learn if your power was out during that span. If so there may be an adjustment coming but you still face high usage. And we may be able to suggest someone to improve that . The good news that your bill will never be $3000 per month but your KWH range is very high so let’s talk about getting you on the 12 month contract plan that comes with a lower rate and also discuss what you can do to control your usage more effectively. Please call us at 888-963-9363. Published on February 23, 2021
I really actually like my service with payless power but on my billing statement for Feb. 15th when the power was out they charged me for 46 kws whuch is absolutely incorrect and because of that I have approximately 1 day left. when I calculate my bill every month I put enough ugh money on my account to last the whole month. So if someone could help me fix this that would be wonderful.
Response: Mr. Mullendore- Your comments state that you feel your usage for 2/15 is incorrect and it has put you in a difficult situation and you need assistance. Thank you for reaching out. Last week threw everyone in Texas for a loop. The good news is we have options for you. We re not disconnecting through 2/28. At that time you will be eligible for a deferred payment plan (DPP). You can arrange the DPP through your My Account Portal or through our automated phone line at 888 963 9363. A representative is also reaching out to get more information about your usage on 2/15. If your power was out during that day you may have received an estimation from Oncor and if so this will automatically be resolved around Sunday or Monday. Call us and we can discuss your options. Published on February 23, 2021
My electric $$ tripled in price during the winter storm. Yet we barely had power for days!! They basically price gouged us when we couldn’t even get to work to pay our bills!!
Response: Ms Adams- Your review states that your usage tripled during the storm even though your power was out a lot of the time . You feel that you were priced gouged. Its definitely not a good thing to feel you were price gouged during a very vulnerable time . I do want to take a moment to clarify that we have not raised the energy rate for you or any customer this year and currently have no plans to do so . Based on your comments it sounds like your meter was not transmitting data so Oncor generated usage estimated for your address. If so it looks like the Oncor and Payless Power systems are set to automatically correct this around March 10. If this is placing an financial burden on you please call us at 888 963 9363 can we can cover the options available to help you until the adjustments are made. Published on February 23, 2021