They suck very badly
Response: We are truly thankful for trying our service. We would like the opportunity to improve how we serve you and our other customers. Would you please reach out to us by phone or email, so that we can get more information on how to improve? Published on June 07, 2022
I do not recommend this company, been with them for about 3 years now and all this time I’ve been charged about 10-15$ per day. And now they added that a minimum payment of 75$ must be made if not they’ll charge you a $9.95 service fee charge. Wow
Response: Your comments states that you are unhappy with the recent addition of the minimum payment fee. That is understandable but necessary for us to continue to offer some of the most affordable rates in Texas . You can avoid this fee not only by making larger payments but by enrolling in autopay . You can set autopay to make payments as low as $40 without the fee. Also if you need time to get to a payday so that you can start making larger payments, call us . We may be able to assist. 888 963 9363. Published on June 07, 2022
Uncaring and Heartless. Do not waste your time. just tested positive for Covid and unable to go get paycheck my bill which I have extended til 8 pm when after that they are not going to hesitate nor care that they are shutting down my electricity not only on a person who is contagious but battling illness . Last month was another debacle as I moved to another residence and they set up new account but failed to shut down the other older one and was turned off as I was paying bill on older account and not aware. I came home to my refrigerator with warm meats and veggies. Over $200 of groceries thrown away but they did not care cause they got their $13 that was owed from.other account and had audacity to say that even though I made payment to.old account that I still needed to pay at least $20 to get AC back on at new place A total.of 24 hours with no power. Reimbursement? Nope. Heartless Yeah. They are not what you guys want for energy company.
Response: Mr.Dalton you stated you are not happy with the service as you are having trouble making a payment and battling an illness. We can assure you we have options available that will help extend your bill as long as these options have not been utilized we will be able to assist you on extending your service. A supervisor will be reaching out to you to go over your account to see what options are available also go over your previous account that you had before creating the new one to give you a better understanding on what is going on with the accounts. Published on June 07, 2022
Muy recomendable
They suck. 60 dollars worth of lights in 5 days.
Response: We are so thankful for your review and would love the opportunity to speak to you about your charges, so that we can help you in any way we can. We invite you to reach back out to us via email or phone, so we can offer further assistance Published on June 03, 2022
I really use to like this company until they went up that’s not the only issue there employee Malik hung up on me the first time never called back I called back I end up speaking with him again I ask if I could speak to a manager he hung up the phone on me that is horrible customer service he needs to be suspended or let go I work in customer things like that is unacceptable In that field he was trying to compare gas prices to my problem and it didn’t make since I tell you this something needs to be done with him or I’m gonna take It further by speaking to a CEO or something check your calls and employees!
Response: Ms Williams- A manager will be contacting you on Friday 6/3/22 to discuss your experience. Published on June 03, 2022
The new policy for making payments is not as convenient. I may be shopping around for a cheaper company with rewards if I will have to make a big payment regardless
Response: Ms Trevino- Your comment states that you are not happy with the new payment policies so you may be looking elsewhere. That is an understandable reaction. Please note that we offer just about the cheapest rate available in Houston without gimmicks. We can continue to do this by implementing these policies . You can avoid the fee by making a payment of $75 or more or my enrolling in autopay. With autopay you can set it to post payments as low as $40 with no fee. Making the larger payments will also reduce the amount of times you actually have to make a payment per month and this will provide a superior customer experience for you. Please call us at 888 963 9363 if we can be of assistance. Published on June 03, 2022
The 9.95 they have started charging if you don’t pay 75.00 or more is horrible. All people can’t do that. Time to find a new company
Response: Ms Merriweather- Your comments states that you are unhappy with the recent addition of the minimum payment fee. That is understandable but necessary for us to continue to offer some of the most affordable rates in Texas . You can avoid this fee not only by making larger payments but by enrolling in autopay . You can set autopay to make payments as low as $40 without the fee. Also if you need time to get to a payday so that you can start making larger payments, call us . We may be able to assist. 888 963 9363. Published on June 03, 2022
Tengo más de 24 hours sin electricidad, el número que tienen para llamada no responde nadie… sus tarifas son altas… el servicio no es bueno
Response: Sr. Álvarez, Gracias por contactarnos. En primer lugar, le agradecemos su paciencia al recibir esta respuesta con respecto a su inquietud. Viendolo desde su perspectiva, vemos por qué usted no está satisfecho con el servicio que recibió. Sus puntos mencionados son importantes para nosotros, así que permítanos responder en orden a cada uno de ellos. Su orden de reconexión: Vemos que después de que el sistema recibió su pago el 5/31/22, se envió una orden de reconexión a CenterPoint el mismo día (5/31/22). Esa orden fue rechazada por CenterPoint y fue entonces cuando usted nos contacto y nosotros le notificamos que habia sido rechazada y que se iba a enviar otra orden.La orden se volvió a enviar aproximadamente a las 9:08 a.m., Centerpoint la rechazó nuevamente a las 10:16 a.m. y finalmente se aceptó nuestra solicitud de reconexión y sus servicios se reconectaron al mediodía. A pesar de que nosotros actuamos de la manera correcta y que nuestros sistemas operaron de la misma manera, hubo ese percance con CenterPoint. No sabemos a ciencia cierta el motivo por el cual su orden fue rechazada, pero lo que si sabemos es que usted fue el afectado y queremos que siga confiando en nosotros y que no tenga una mala impresión de nuestra empresa, por lo que ante este inconveniente hemos puesto un crédito de $25.00 a su cuenta. En referencia a nuestras tarifas y nuestro servicio: Respetamos su punto de vista, pero sabemos con certeza que nuestro producto y servicio que ofrecemos son de calidad y efectivos. Si tiene la oportunidad de revisar a otros competidores de electricidad, se dará cuenta de que nuestras tarifas están al margen con los demás. Incluso grandes empresas que ofrecen productos de pospago. Todos estamos enfrentando un momento desafiante con la inflación y básicamente todo está subiendo, pero sepa que usted tiene el derecho a revisar y estar con el proveedor que más le convenga. Nos encantaría que no tome la decisión de irse y que podamos seguir brindándote la calidad de servicio que se merece. Al mismo tiempo, le repetimos que respetaremos su decisión. Le pedimos un favor que cuando nos compare con otros proveedores, que tenga en cuenta algunos de los grandes beneficios que ofrecemos. Usted no está bajo un contrato. Nuestras notificaciones diarias lo ayudan a mantener su uso dentro de su presupuesto. Siempre le dará la oportunidad de hacer los ajustes necesarios cuando los necesite y no esperar hasta fin de mes cuando reciba su factura. No se le pidio un depósito para iniciar su servicio como lo hacen otros proveedores. Nuestras tarifas son competitivas con otras. No tenemos cargos adicionales tal como conexión, rexonexion, etc. Ofrecemos opciones a nuestros clientes para mantener su electricidad encendida, tal como planes de pago diferido, etc. Estos son solo algunos de nuestros beneficios. Aquí le dejamos el enlace de nuestro sitio web por si desea más información- Aquí le dejamos el enlace para que pueda comparar precios con otras compañías eléctricas- Estamos para servirle, Sr. Álvarez, hasta que nos dé la oportunidad de servirle y lamentamos que haya tenido un mal sabor de boca con su experiencia el dia de ayer. Si desea hablar con un representante de servicio al cliente, puede contactarnos al 888-963-9363. Estamos abiertos de Lunes a Sábado de 8:30am a 5:30pm. Cordialmente, Payless Power Published on June 03, 2022
Not a big fan of the 75 min ti avoid the fee
Response: Ms. Medina- Your comments about the changes are understandable. Please note that your can avoid the fee and making larger payments by enrolling in Autopay- you can set autopay to deduct payments as low as $40. Making larger payments will actually improve your customer experience once you get in the rhythm of doing it. If you need assistance in doing that, give us a call and we can discuss your options. 888 963 9363. Published on June 03, 2022