I love how easy it is to pay over the phone and I love the daily notifications I think the rate is a little high but it makes up for it with the easy accessibility to my account
Response: Thank you so much for your positive review Marcela!! We provide our customers with various payment options that will help! Getting daily messages is great because you have control and knowledge about your usage and balance and will help you make some changes if that's the case!! Also having the ability to access your online account gives you the power to keep an eye on your account and it's easy and fast to use it!! We are so glad that we can provide you and all our customers with an excellent service!! Thank you for supporting Payless Power!! Published on April 03, 2018
I think its a little high but its so easy to pay and they work with you.
Response: Thank you so much for the great review Glenda!! We like to provide our customer with competitive prices and the best service in the area!! We are so glad that you find our service easy and we are always available to give all our customers a hand if the options are available!! Published on April 03, 2018
I absolutely love payless power and have tried recommending it to friends and family but the ones that I have recommended it to are still set in their ways with the same ole big electric company. Great job and very awesome customer service.
Response: Thank you so much James for spreading the word about our company!! Most people who switch to prepaid find it difficult switching from one bill at the end of the month to pay as you go. Our best advice is to treat this prepaid service just like any postpaid, and every paycheck add around $200, that way you don't have to stress about your balance until it gets low! We greatly appreciate you!! Published on April 03, 2018
I LOVE Payless Power! So easy to monitor my balance daily and control my usage accordingly. Such a relief to no longer be at the mercy of the other ridiculously priced companies. Thank you so much!
Response: We're glad we could provide you all the tools needed to make your experience as easy and efficient as possible!! Thank you for being such a great customer! Published on April 03, 2018
Never had a problem making a payment over the phone until today. Now I’m glad I tried online payment. Super easy and much faster than over the phone. Love the save feature. Convenient.
Response: Hi Dawn Thank you so much for the review! we are so sorry for the inconvenience of the automated system not accepting the payment. If you ever come across this problem again please reach out to customer care dept at 888-963-9363 & report the issue. Good thing we have several payment options in case one doesn't work. Glad you found our new online portal easy use!(: Published on April 03, 2018
Ptetty decent rates
Response: One of our main goals is to provide our customers with the most competitive electric rates possible along with top notch customer care. We are so glad you find our rates are very competitive and we are beyond grateful for customers like you Yvette!! Published on April 03, 2018
Didnt give 5 stars because bo access to m o nthly usage statements unless you call wait time always long
Response: Thank you so much for your positive review Annette!! Every new month in the first days we send a Monthly Statement of Usage, that will provide you with the information of the previous month! If you don't receive this monthly statement you can always call in. Thought we have experienced a high call volume in the cold winter months, as of now our call volume has drastically drooped. Feel free to call at 1-888-963-9363 Published on April 03, 2018
This is such a great service. I had electricity the same day and it’s great to be able to make payments on my schedule!!
Response: We're glad we could provide you all the tools needed to make your experience as easy and efficient as possible!! Thank you for being such a great customer! Published on April 03, 2018
Never have had any issues with the payment process
Response: Thank you Jackie for taking the time on providing your positive feedback.Glad we can make your payment method much easier(: Published on April 03, 2018
Great service no complaints!!! I’m ready for a monthly billed option
Response: We are beyond happy that you are so pleased with your service!! We have been working very hard to make our services easier to use and understand while still providing the most competitive rates around! Though we don't have the postpaid monthly bill option available at the moment, we are in the process of creating one for the future, but we will keep you updated!! Thanks so much for being such a wonderful customer and we can't wait to see what the future holds!! Published on April 03, 2018