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Test Your Knowledge with this Energy Savings Quiz

We're Here to Help

Do you know the best ways to save energy? Find out in this post from Payless Power.

All right, smarty pants.

Here’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is.

Let’s get right to the energy savings quiz:

1. How much energy that you use in your home gets used by heating and cooling?

  1. 1/3
  2. ½
  3. 2/3
  4. All

2. Which of these uses about half of our nation’s energy?

  1. Cars and trucks
  2. Commercial buildings
  3. Personal electronic devices
  4. Smartphones

3. How has energy consumption changed in America since the 1970s?

  1. 50% increase
  2. 25% increase
  3. It’s about the same
  4. 25% less
  5. 50% less

4. If you turn down the thermostat by 5-10 degrees at night when you’re not home, how much can you cut your energy costs?

  1. Less than 10%
  2. 10-20%
  3. 21-30%
  4. More than 30%

5. How much electricity do wind farms provide to the US?

  1. .5%
  2. 1%
  3. 5%
  4. 10%

6. Which region requires the best fuel efficiency for vehicles?

  1. European Union
  2. United States
  3. Canada
  4. China

7. True or false: wind turbines kill more birds than domestic cats.

  1. True
  2. False

8. How much money can you save per year by switching out 5 incandescent bulbs for 5 CFLs?

  1. $10
  2. $25
  3. $45
  4. $75

9. What’s the earliest year a building must be built to be certified Energy-Star energy-efficient?

  1. 1999
  2. 2005
  3. 2010
  4. It doesn’t matter

10. What should you do to drive so that you conserve fuel the best?

  1. Properly inflate your car’s tires
  2. Never let your car idle for too long
  3. Always drive around the speed limit
  4. Use fuel additives and gas-saving devices to reduce fuel use

The Answers

  1. B – about ½
  2. B – Commercial and industrial buildings
  3. C – It’s roughly the same
  4. B – 10-20%
  5. B – 1%, but it’s expected to grow in the future
  6. A – European Union, which requires fuel economy of 40 mpg. China requires 35 mpg, while the US is at 26 mpg.
  7. B – It’s false. In Britain, domestic cats kill 55 million birds per year. In Denmark, the country generates 9% of its electricity from wind turbines and estimates 30,000 bird deaths annually.
  8. C – $45 – CFLs cost less and last longer.
  9. D – It doesn’t matter. The Cambridge Savings Bank in Cambridge, Massachusetts is Energy Star certified and was built in 1820.
  10. C – Always drive the speed limit. Police let you get away with 10 mph over the limit, but that uses the most gas.

How’d you Do? Score Yourself

Let’s take a look at how you did. Score yourself one point for each answer you get right:

  • 9-10 right – Wow, maybe you should have written this quiz
  • 7-8 right – You’ll be doing a nice job at saving energy this year
  • 5-6 right – Study up on energy savings a little, you could make some significant savings with just a few changes
  • 0-4 right – Well, the only way to go from here is up!

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