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Spring Cleaning Savings

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Spring Cleaning is a great opportunity to get a fresh start for the new season. It can also be a way to save money and electricity through a few simple steps!

Organize and De-Clutter

Organize your closets and spaces in your home, putting aside unused clothes, furniture, books, accessories, etc. Sort your remaining clothes by color or type to help you find what you’re looking for easier on a daily basis.

Clean off your bookshelves and discard any books that you don’t plan on reading again. Remove ripped dust jackets (unless they might have value). Line books in a rhythmic pattern both vertically and horizontally to avoid the monotony of rows.

Gather all of the clothes and items you’ve decided to get rid of, and hold a yard sale or garage sale. Not only will this help you earn a little extra cash, but it will create more space in your house, keeping you cooler. Keep the house de-cluttered on a daily basis by looking around whenever you leave a room for anything that is out of order and putting it back in its place.

Dust Your Ceiling Fans

Make sure all of your ceiling fans are dust free and working properly. If you have been running your fans clockwise during the winter months, change the direction of your ceiling fans to the standard counterclockwise direction to provide a pleasant breeze during warmer months.

Clean your refrigerator

It is estimated that a fridge uses about 15 percent of a home’s power. A few simple steps can help your refrigerator run more efficiently and save energy.
Throw out old food and wipe up any spills immediately. Wash the interior with a solution of baking soda and water (two tablespoons of baking soda for every quart of warm water). Use a toothbrush to scrub harder to reach areas.

According to the Consumer Energy Center,  cleaning your refrigerator coils can reduce the amount of energy that your fridge uses by up to 30 percent. When dust and pet hair build up on them, the motor works harder and must use more electricity. When the coils are cleaned, air can circulate freely.

How to Clean Your Refrigerator Coils

  • Find the coils on your refrigerator. On older-model fridges, the coils are exposed on the back. On newer models, the coils are on the bottom, hidden behind a cover panel or kick plate.
  • Unplug your fridge and pull it away from the wall.
  • Remove the cover plate. On some models it’s held in by spring clips; others may use a couple of small screws
  • Use a vacuum or brush to dust the condenser coils.
  • Replace the cover panel, slide the fridge back into place and plug it in.

Cleaning Other Areas of the House

Replace heavy curtains with lighter ones for the warmer weather. Vacuum and steam-clean the old curtains or have them dry-cleaned before you put them away for storage.

If your home has a sliding glass door, make sure to clean its track. Dirty tracks can ruin the seal of the door, creating gaps where cold air can escape.

Click here to read more energy saving tips.

If you’re interested in learning more about saving money on electricity by using prepaid electricity in Texas, then check out Payless Power. Offering low-cost energy plans to suit both residential and business needs, Payless Power is a company committed to providing people with some of the best electricity rates in Texas, but also with helpful customer service. Visit the website to learn more about how to save electricity at home, or connect with the online community on FacebookTwitterYouTube, and Pinterest.

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